Navigating Change: Compliance and Training in New York's CDPAP Program

As the landscape of New York's Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) undergoes a potential transformation with the single Fiscal Intermediary (FI) model in the state budget, it becomes increasingly vital for participants to prioritize compliance and thorough training. While we await to see how this is finalized with pending questions, one thing remains clear: adherence to regulations and education are paramount. 

The single FI model presents a significant shift in the structure of the CDPAP program, aiming to streamline operations and consolidate the industry. With such changes looming, participants must understand the importance of compliance at every level. Compliance isn't just about meeting regulatory requirements; it's about ensuring the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of the program for all involved.
At the heart of compliance lies the need for meticulous attention to detail and adherence to established protocols. Whether it's accurately documenting care hours, maintaining confidentiality, or following proper procedures, every aspect contributes to the integrity of the program. By taking compliance seriously, participants not only fulfill their obligations but also elevate themselves to the top of the list.
Training is not just a one-time event; it's an ongoing process that empowers individuals to adapt to evolving regulations, procedures, and best practices.  Agencies participating in the CDPAP program must be thinking about both CMS and Department of Labour training requirements including:
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Corporate Compliance
  • Fraud, Waste and Abuse
  • EVV
By doing so, they will not only uphold the dignity and well-being of those who rely on its services but also put themselves in the best possible position if the legislation is updated.
In light of the proposed changes, agencies and participants alike must prioritize training initiatives to ensure readiness for any transitions that may occur. This includes familiarizing themselves with new FI models, understanding updated compliance requirements, and enhancing skills relevant to the provision of personal assistance services. Investing in training now can mitigate potential challenges down the line and foster a culture of continuous improvement within the CDPAP community.  
Enclosed you will find a copy of the Panel Discussion: Unpacking NY’s Single FI Changes, What’s Next with panelists:
Unpacking NY’s Single FI Changes, Whats Next