
Better Training, Better Care.

Interview With James Cohen, CEO/Co-Founder of Nevvon

In a world where healthcare technology improves rapidly, requirements and regulations are subject...

Nevvon: Providing Cost-effective, Personalized Digital Training For Caregivers

In a world where healthcare technology improves rapidly, requirements and regulations are subject...

Nevvon and Selfhelp design a hybrid virtual/in-person training model for a Health Aide Training Program in New York State

The Department of Health (DOH) issued an authorized Department-approved Home Health Aide and...

Empire BlueCross BlueShield recognize the 50 Whole Health Heroes

It comes with great pleasure to announce that Nevvon’s very own CEO James Cohen, was recognized by...

Q&A with Nevvon: Homecare, Technology, and the COVID-19 Vaccine

Thank you to HHAeXchange for their recent interview with Nevvon CEO, James Cohen, to learn how...

Viventium Sat Down with LMS Partner Nevvon to Discuss Their Free COVID Vaccine Course & Continuing Education During the Pandemic

Nevvon CEO, James Cohen recently sat down and discussed our Free Covid-19 Vaccination course and...

Best Ways to Prevent Seniors from Falling

Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death for those aged 75+. With winter in full effect,...

Safety Tips for Seniors this Winter

With the cold unpredictable weather of winter approaching us, there are 3 critical reminders that...